Due to COVID-19, we want to assure you that the health and well-being of our clients has always been our number one priority. We will be following the CDC guidelines closely and we will be continuously updating our procedures as they change .We have implemented the following measures in an effort to maintain the highest standard of health and safety during this time. We know that the following are unusual requests and we thank you in advance for understanding that this is necessary in order to keep us all safe and provide peace of mind to our clients .


All of our staff have been vaccinated at this time. We are requiring all clients that have not been vaccinated to wear a mask during the time that they are in our salon for their appointment until further notice. The mask must be one that loops around the ear rather than tying behind the head.

At this time MASKS are not required , as we will continue to follow CDC guidelines

Beverage Bar ….

At this time we have our coffee bar available as well as magazines in our waiting area .